Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Little Rosebud

So, my little girl is 11 months old.  Today.  Today, she is 11 months...where did the time go?  I know EVERYONE says it but I swear I was still pregnant, like, yesterday.  She is my little rosebud because her name is Mairen Rose (for those of you who are curious, her name rhymes with Karen or Sharon) and she is always full of little bursts of life and her personality is just the sweetest.  She shows you love by nudging her head against you and 'cooing'...I mean, how adorably cute is that?  Right now she is walking fairly well (taking 5-10 or more steps with confidence), saying Dada, Bubu, Baba and Uh-oh.  No Momma yet...but man, am I working on it...every day.  I keep saying "Mairen, can you say 'Momma'?  and Declan will say, "no, she can only say...(rattles off all she can say)".  Ok, mister smarty pants, I get the picture.  But, one day she will say it and it will be music to my very patient ears.  Some other cute things she does (since I'm on a roll here): snaps her fingers, claps her hands, brushes her hair, turns around in circles when she is excited, points to things she wants, acts coy when strangers talk to her, she has 5 teeth (working on 3 more), literally NEVER cries, she is alway happy, LOVES her bubby, eats like a horse (I mean that lovingly), she loves to be chased and 'startled', loves playing with Declan's toys (and most of all loves playing with Declan), loves tearing out all the moving parts in books, I could go on, and on, and on.  She has this beautiful way of smiling with her whole face too.  Since she was born she has done this thing with her hands when she is tired.  She holds them up to her face and sucks on her bottom lip.  She must have been doing it in my womb.  I love it and I know I will probably cry when she stops.  She is my little rosebud, always showing a new 'petal' of her personality with each new day.  I do love her so much and although I am sad that she is almost a whole year old, I am looking forward for the next year of growing, laughter, development, silliness, beauty and love that this little girl will bring to our lives.  She is the perfect addition to our family.  I don't know how it could get any better!
Her birthday theme will be roses in honor of her middle name.  I'm so excited about it and although it will just be a family celebration, I will still be decorating quite creatively.  I'll post more about it after the festivities!

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